Upcoming Events

February Vacation Week

February 19–22

Art in Tune

February 27


February 28

A colorful painting of five women drinking cocktails around a table while a waiter walks in the background.

Black History Month

Explore a free audio tour on our app—either on your next visit, or at home—to hear curators tell the stories behind a selection of art by Black artists from the Americas. Download MFA Mobile on Bloomberg Connects to dive deep into work by John Wilson, Loïs Mailou Jones, Archibald Motley, and more. The tour includes text transcripts and audio descriptions of the art for users who are blind or have low vision.

Download MFA Mobile

A Monet Masterpiece Now on View

A very special new addition is on view in our Monet Gallery: Water Lilies, Reflections of Weeping Willows (about 1916–19) is a large-scale work of the style that defined the last years of Monet’s career. On loan from a private collection, the painting features a deep jewel-toned color palette and captures the expressive power of the artist’s increasingly abstract later work. Don’t miss your chance to see it in a fully reimagined gallery display.