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Visitors encounter a room of shawabties, one of the many immersive displays in “Ancient Nubia Now.” Adopted from ancient Egyptian practices, shawabties filled the burial chambers of Nubian rulers, each a miniature of the king it served.

Unknown artists, shawabties, Napatan period, 690–568 BCE. Faience, travertine, magnesite, serpentine. Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition.

Image Courtesy of Caitlin Cunningham Photography.


Director’s Message

A visitor looks at Grace Hartigan’s painting Masquerade in “Women of Action,” one of the seven galleries in “Women Take the Floor.” In the mid-20th century, Hartigan made significant contributions to the formation and expansion of action painting, a movement typically credited to male artists.

Grace Hartigan, Masquerade (detail), 1954. Oil on canvas. Collection of Lizbeth and George Krupp. © Estate of Grace Hartigan.