Kids from partner organizations get animated!
This Community Arts Initiative Artist Project features the works of children from our eight partner community organizations working under the guidance of artist Jake Fried. The students created multiple stop-motion animations about familiar places and people using drawing, flip-books, claymation, and paper cutouts. Each animation project stemmed from an exploration of the MFA's collection and allowed each clubhouse to reflect on and represent the people and places important to their communities. Students were introduced to new and unique art-making materials and skills, while also learning about the Museum's collection and the wider world of video art. The project created a fun and interactive environment where the participating students learned, experimented, and bonded with their peers, families, and communities.
The animated films (looping on monitors) and the artwork made to create them (drawings, flip-books, clay sculptures, paper cutouts) are displayed in the final Museum exhibition.
The exhibition includes the work of approximately 100 children representing the five Boston Boys & Girls Clubs, West End House Boys & Girls Club of Allston-Brighton, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, and United South End Settlements.
Above: Artwork created by Azeb Fikru from United South End Settlements.
- Edward H. Linde Gallery (Gallery 168)