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Fashioned by Sargent
“The coat is the picture,” John Singer Sargent explained to his fellow artist Graham Robertson in the summer of 1894, tugging a heavy garment ever…
Dutch Art in a Global Age
The seventeenth century has long been considered a “golden age” for Dutch art, fueled by the Dutch Republic’s growth as an economic world power…
Strong Women in Renaissance Italy
The story of the Renaissance in Italy is often told through the work of great male artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo. But…
Tiny Treasures
The Magic of Miniatures
Intricate and appealing, curious and uncanny, miniature works of art exert surprising power. Over thousands of years and across cultures, artists and…
Through its fellowship program, the CNA nurtures future generations of scholars and specialists in Netherlandish Art. The 2022–23 fellows have written…
“Since birth we get accustomed to seeing and thinking at the same time. But I think that if you can turn off the mind and look at things only with…
In partnership with the Museum of Fine Arts, Bank of America is proud to sponsor Fashioned by Sargent, which offers a unique look at the use of…
Resilience often manifests in work by Indigenous North American artists, for example in its content or simply by increasing visibility to combat…
A photographer’s studio is a laboratory of creativity—a physical and psychological space for meditation, collaboration, and experimentation. “Creative…
In the years around 1900, before Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) created some of the most recognizable abstract canvases of the last century, he turned his…