On February 4, 1870, the Massachusetts legislature passed an act establishing “a body corporate by the name of the Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts for the purpose of erecting a museum for the preservation and exhibition of works of art, of making, maintaining, and exhibiting collections of such works, and of affording instruction in the Fine Arts.” The act of incorporation named twelve men of substantial position in the educational and financial activities of Boston to take up this challenge—and they succeeded.
It is with unending gratitude that we continue to recognize them as Founders and those who have most generously continued their good works as Benefactors of the Museum of Fine Arts.
- Martin Brimmer
- Charles C. Perkins
- Charles W. Eliot
- William Endicott Jr.
- Samuel Eliot
- Francis E. Parker
- Henry P. Kidder
- William B. Rogers
- George B. Emerson
- Otis Norcross
- John T. Bradlee
- Benjamin S. Rotch
- William H. and Saundra Lane
- Robert Owen Lehman and Marie Rolf
- Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo
- Mr. Wan-go H.C. Weng
- Anonymous (1)
Legacy Benefactors
- Joyce and Edward Linde/Linde Family Foundation
- Matthew A. and Susan B. Weatherbie
Guardian Benefactors
- Barbara and Theodore Alfond
- George D. and Margo Behrakis
- Arne and Milly Glimcher
- Ann and Graham Gund
- Estrellita and Yousuf Karsh
- Kiyi and Edward M. Pflueger
- Ruth and Carl J. Shapiro and Family
- Anonymous (1)
Named during 2022–2023
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin
Millennial Benefactors
- Bank of America
- John P. Axelrod
- Sylvan Barnet and the late William C. Burto
- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Cabot
- Norma Jean and Stanford Calderwood
- John F. Cogan Jr. and Mary L. Cornille
- Alan and Simone Hartman
- Maria and Conrad Janis
- Leonard A. Lauder
- Leonian Charitable Trust
- Roberta G. Logie
- Martha Dana Mercer
- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Paine
- Elizabeth Parke and Harvey S. Firestone Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller
- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Servison
- Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf
- State Street Corporation
- Bertha L. and William E. Teel
- Vance Wall Foundation
- Anonymous (2)
Named during 2022–2023
- Richard E. Caves
- David and Victoria Croll
- Penny and Jeff Vinik
Eminent Benefactors
- Lorraine D. Bressler
- Horace Wood Brock
- Catherine and Paul Buttenwieser
- Calderwood Charitable Foundation
- Kevin and Julie Callaghan
- Landon T. Clay
- Mrs. I. W. Colburn
- Mary Bryce Comstock
- William A. Coolidge
- Howard Cox
- Robert and Evelyn Doran
- Louise I. Doyle
- Julia R. and Ronald M. Druker and Bertram A. and Ronald M. Druker Charitable Foundation
- Daphne and Peter Farago
- Lois and Hank Foster
- Susan Morse Hilles
- Elizabeth and J. Atwood Ives
- Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation
- Patti and Jonathan Kraft
- Lizbeth and George Krupp
- Carolyn A. and Peter S. Lynch
- Massachusetts Cultural Council
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- MFA Associates and MFA Senior Associates
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- Plimpton Shattuck Foundation
- William and Helen Pounds
- Robert and Ruth Remis
- Herb Ritts Foundation
- Michael and Maureen Ruettgers
- Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
- Arthur K. Solomon
- Pamela and Peter Voss
- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Wornick
- Rosamund Zander
- Anonymous (2)
Named during 2022–2023
- Carlotte and Samuel Berk
- Leslie and Johanna Garfield
- Marcia and Louis Kamentsky
- Anonymous (1)
Great Benefactors
- Francis Bartlett
- Charles H. Bayley
- Bruce A. Beal
- Enid L. Beal
- Robert L. Beal
- Bell Atlantic Foundation
- Frank Brewer Bemis
- Gabriella and Leo Beranek
- Helen and Paul Bernat
- William Sturgis Bigelow
- Melvin Blake and Frank Purnell
- Boston Globe
- Harriet J. Bradbury
- Robert and Jane Burke
- Craig and Bettina Burr
- Eunice and Julian Cohen
- Dr. W. A. Compton, Oriental Arts Foundation
- Kendra and Allan Daniel
- Barbara Deering Danielson
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- Jim Dine
- Susan and Digger Donahue
- Elfers Family and Foundation
- Maria Antoinette Evans
- Robert Dawson Evans
- Louis and Leslie Feron
- Foundation for the Arts, Nagoya
- Mrs. Kenneth J. Germeshausen
- Jody S. and Thomas D. Gill Jr.
- Government of Japan
- John Gardner Greene
- Henry R. Guild and Gale R. Guild
- Gay Hapgood
- Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold Haynes
- Mr. and Mrs. Ulf B. Heide
- Robert P. and Carol T. Henderson
- Edward J. and Mary S. Holmes
- Jeffrey and Carol Horvitz
- Charles Bain Hoyt
- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton E. James
- Maxim and Martha Codman Karolik
- Alex Katz
- Sigmund and Jessie Katz
- Kyodo Printing Company, Ltd.
- Aimée and Rosamond Lamb
- Mr. and Mrs. C. Kevin Landry
- John and Catherine Coolidge Lastavica
- Thomas H. Lee and Ann Tenenbaum Lee
- Lilly Endowment
- Rosemary M. and Caleb Loring Jr.
- The Lowell Institute
- Henry Luce Foundation
- Rita and Frits Markus
- Steve Martin and Anne Stringfield
- Horace L. and Florence E. Mayer
- Keith McLeod
- Gail and Ernst von Metzsch
- Charles W. Millard III
- Sandra Moose and Eric Birch
- Claire W. and Richard P. Morse
- Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Murray
- Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Executive Committee for the Establishment of the Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts
- Nippon Television Network
- Davis and Carol Noble
- Jane and Neil Pappalardo
- Amelia Peabody
- E. Lee and Slocumb H. Perry
- Estate of Jetskalina H. Phillips
- Timothy Phillips
- Phoenix Media/Communications Group
- George and Nancy Putnam
- Irving W. and Charlotte F. Rabb
- Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reed
- Harry and Mildred Remis
- Nancy and Edward Roberts
- Malcolm Rogers
- Dr. Henry A. E. Roman and Irene Roman
- Denman Waldo Ross
- Mr. and Mrs. George R. Rowland
- Arthur M. Sackler Foundation
- Joan and Michael Salke
- Norma and Roger Alfred Saunders
- Katherine S. Seeler Charitable Remainder Trust
- Henry H. and Zoe Oliver Sherman
- Governor Carlton Skinner and Solange Skinner
- John T. Spaulding
- William S. Spaulding
- Carolyn J. and Robert C. Springborn
- Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Stearns
- Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Strassman
- Lisbeth Tarlow and Stephen Kay
- Jeanne and Stokley Towles
- Emily Townsend and Cornelius C. Vermeule
- WBZ-TV 4
- Katharine Lane Weems
- Charles Goddard Weld
- George Robert White
- Forsyth Wickes
- Theodora Wilbour
- Anonymous (6)
Named during 2022–2023
- Paul and Sandra Edgerley
- Marc S. Plonskier and Heni Koenigsberg
- Xiaohua Zhang and Quan Zhou
Distinguished Benefactors
- Philip E. Aarons and Dr. Shelley F. Aarons
- Maida and George Abrams
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Adams
- Jan and Warren Adelson
- Widgie and Peter Aldrich
- American Airlines
- James B. and Suzannah C. Ames
- Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley
- Dorothy and David Arnold
- Art Bridges Foundation
- Jill and John Avery
- Mrs. Russell W. Baker
- Hope and Mel Barkan
- Barrington Foundation
- Estate of Mary Deland de Beaumont
- Azita Bina and Elmar W. Seibel
- Arthur F. Blanchard Trust/Mellon Charitable Giving
- Boston Consulting Group Inc.
- Boston magazine
- Marcella Louis Brenner
- Estate of Evelyn E. Bromley
- Cabot Family Charitable Trust
- John Moors Cabot
- E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. David M. Chamberlain
- Jeffrey A. Choney and Pamela Dippel Choney
- Citizens Bank Foundation
- Class of the Museum of Fine Arts
- Burton A. Cleaves
- Dr. Lawrence H. and Roberta L. Cohn
- Evanthea and Leo P. Condakes
- Sylvia and John Constable
- Ronald and Barbara Cordover
- Prudence S. and William M. Crozier Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cunningham Jr.
- Philio Wigglesworth Cushing
- Lynn Dale and Frank Wisneski
- Virginia Herrick Deknatel
- John and Pat Deutch
- Mary Lynd Dolphin
- Grace and Ted Fey
- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Fine
- Audrey and James Foster
- Thomas A. J. Frank and Alexandra Hastings
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Freeman
- Estate of Edwin F. Gamble
- Mr. and Mrs. John Lowell Gardner
- Getty Foundation
- Walter and Celia Gilbert
- David E. and Stacey L. Goel
- Howard Greenberg
- Marjorie and Nicholas Greville
- Barbara and Steven Grossman
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin de M. Hale
- John Hancock Financial
- Daphne and George Hatsopoulos
- S. Francis Hayden
- Estate of Betty Lowndes Heath
- Highland Street Foundation
- John Hitchcock
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Horowitz Foundation for the Arts
- Muriel G. S. and William W. Howells
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- Anne and Blake Ireland
- Ishibashi Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jordan Jr.
- Mr. Jack Josephson and Dr. Magda Saleh
- Susan B. Kaplan
- John and Marilyn Keane
- Theodore M. Kinch
- Katherine R. Kirk and Malcolm L. Gefter
- William I. and Joan Granlund Koch
- James and Margie Krebs
- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Lasser
- Robert A. and Patricia P. Lawrence
- Barbara Lee
- Lisa and Jeffrey Leiden
- Liberty Mutual Group
- Lunder Foundation
- Peter and Paula Lunder Family
- George and Ann Macomber
- Mr. and Mrs. James Alden Marsh
- Estate of Barbara Morss Marshall
- Ms. Ellyn A. McColgan
- Joseph F. McCrindle
- JoAnn McGrath and Family
- Mrs. Geneviève McMillan
- Merrill Lynch
- Microsoft
- Cathy Minehan and Jerry Corrigan
- Robert J. and Alyce A. Morrissey
- Nancy Foss Heath and Richard B. Heath Educational, Cultural, and Environmental Foundation
- Scott A. Nathan and Laura DeBonis
- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O'Neil
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Pellegrino
- Amy and Jonathan Poorvu
- Lia and William Poorvu
- Mark Pratt
- Jeanne and Richard S. Press
- Raytheon Company
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Rickabaugh
- Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
- Dwight P. and Mary G. Robinson
- Sandra S. Rodgers
- Jerome and Elaine Rosenfeld
- The heirs of Bettina Looram de Rothschild
- Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Schorr
- Sarah and Maurice Segall
- Gertrude F. Shelley
- William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson
- Marian E. and Ernest T. Skinner
- Pamela M. Smith
- Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation
- Stanley and Mary Ann Snider
- Dola Hamilton Stemberg
- Students House Inc.
- Nellie L. Taft
- Estate of Nathan B. and Anne P. Talbot
- Tan Family Education Foundation
- Terra Foundation for American Art
- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thorne
- Emmanuel and Argie Tiliakos
- Lois B. Torf
- Thomas H. and Mary Frances F. Townsend
- Wallace Foundation
- WCVB-TV, Channel 5
- Estate of Grace E. Webber
- Edwin S. Webster Foundation
- Roberta and Stephen R. Weiner
- Barbara Ketcham Wheaton
- Katharine S. and John W. White
- Mr. Henry Coolidge Wigglesworth
- John J. and Dorothy A. Wilson
- Estate of Eleanor B. Winthrop
- Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett
- Jamie and Phyllis Wyeth
- Hansjörg Wyss
- Tadashi Yanai
- Anonymous (6)
Named during 2022–23
- Azi Djazani
- The Weng Family
- William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Major Benefactors
- Amy and David Abrams
- Dr. Nile Albright and Mrs. Lee Lawrence Albright
- Mrs. E. Ross Anderson
- Rae D. and Christina D. Anderson
- Estate of Claire M. Ash
- Catherine H. L. Auchincloss
- Philip Backus Revocable Trust
- Emanuel and Lorraine Balkin
- Scott and Isabelle Black
- Kenneth Paul Block
- The Boston Foundation
- Boston Herald
- Dr. and Mrs. Colin Bowness
- Mr. and Mrs. H. Keasbey Bramhall
- Susan Brenninkmeyer
- Matthew Brown and Edna Goodrich Brown
- Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
- Stuart and Sherry Christhilf
- Cogan Family Foundation
- Dr. and Mrs. John M. Cohen
- Council of the Museum of Fine Arts
- Kathleen S. and Frederick C. Crawford
- Hilary and Albert Creighton
- Peter and Catherine Creighton
- Cy Twombly Foundation
- Tamara Petrosian Davis and Charles Howard Davis II
- Elisabeth K. Davis
- Nathaniel T. Dexter
- Lucy S. Dillon
- Betsy and Michael Dingman
- Mr. and Mrs. George P. Edmonds Jr.
- EMC Corporation
- Encore Boston Harbor
- Ellen and Peter Fallon
- Shirley and J. Richard Fennell
- Jerry Fielder
- Gerald and Sandra Fineberg
- Larry and Atsuko Fish and Family
- Ford Foundation
- Richard M. and Helen T. Fraser
- Elisa Fredrickson
- Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Freed
- Constance B. and Robert G. Fuller
- Florence S. Gerstein
- Erica Gervais and Ted Pappendick
- Mr. and Mrs. John Goelet
- Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
- Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham
- Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
- Estate of John G. Guillemont
- Richard and Lorie Hamermesh
- Estate of Vivian S. Hawes
- Hazel Johnson Trust
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hill
- Mr. Timothy T. Hilton
- Eloise W. and Arthur C. Hodges
- Harry R. and Katharine B. Hoyt
- Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
- W. Michael Humphreys and Candace Petre Humphreys
- Li Jin
- Howard and Elizabeth Johnson
- Estate of William J. Joyce
- JPMorgan Chase
- Kathryn B. Kavadas
- Frederick J. Kennedy Memorial Foundation
- Sparky Corkin Kennedy and Jake Kennedy
- Judy and Jonathan Keyes
- Mary S. Kingsbery
- Jane N. Kirkpatrick and John M. Kirkpatrick MD
- Mrs. Robert H. Knapp
- Mary Levin Koch and William C. Koch
- Peggy Koenig
- Margaret K. and Joseph L. Koerner
- Rena Koopman
- Korea Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Kravis
- Lachaise Foundation
- Richard and Sarah Leahy
- Yuchun and Agustina S. Lee
- Alexander M. Levine and Dr. Rosemarie D. Bria-Levine
- Leon Levy Foundation
- Mrs. Muriel G. S. Lewis
- John and Sonia Lingos Family Foundation
- Susan C. Livingston
- Dr. Janina A. Longtine
- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Lucas
- Kay C. Manson Trust
- Estate of Maria Maris
- Musa and Thomas Mayer
- Michael Mazur and Gail Mazur
- Joseph C. McNay, New England Foundation
- MetLife Foundation
- Cathy Minehan and Jerry Corrigan
- Gordon and Elizabeth Morrill
- Estate of Elisabeth W. Morss
- Gerard and Brigitte M. Moufflet
- Museum Council
- Robert Nagle
- Achim Neuse
- Mary Newman
- Stavros Niarchos Foundation
- Wayne E. Nichols and Tomie Nagano
- Northern Trust Corporation
- Elizabeth and Robert Owens
- P&G/Gillette
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Paine
- Alice de V. Perry
- Robert and Veronica Petersen
- Ms. Louise Pilley
- Pioneer Investments, UniCredit Group
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- Perry T. Rathbone
- Chelsey and David Remington
- Restaurant Associates/Compass Group
- Dorothy and Owen Robbins
- Dale A. Roberts
- Robert M. Rosenberg
- Michael and Karen Rotenberg
- Angelica Lloyd Russell
- Andrea and Kenan Sahin
- Dr. Joseph Sataloff and Joanne S. Sataloff Esq.
- The Donald Saunders and Liv Ullmann Family
- Arnold Scaasi
- Justin G. Schiller and Dennis M. V. David
- Rosamond Sears
- John Shapiro and Shonni Silverberg
- Lee and Allen Sinai
- Joan S. Sonnabend
- Sotheby's
- Paul Taylor and Adeline Gertrude Magrane Rothwell Philanthropic Fund
- United Technologies Corporation
- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Valentine
- Arthur and Charlotte Vershbow
- Dr. George A. Violin and Mrs. Joan G. Violin
- Anne H. and Frederick Vogel III
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade
- Susan B. Walker
- Mrs. Charles H. Watts II
- John C. Weber
- Barrie and Deedee Wigmore
- Dyann and Peter Wirth
- Linda C. Wisnewski
- Michael D. Wolk Charitable Fund
- Volker Wurster
- Anonymous (6)
Named during 2022–2023
- Arbella Insurance Foundation
- Terrie and Bradley Bloom
- Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation
- Alice and Nicholas Galakatos
- Putnam Investments
- Ralph A. Horne
- Meryl and Andrew B. Rose
- Emi M. and William G. Winterer
- Alli and Bill Achtmeyer
- Emily L. Ainsley
- W. G. Russell Allen
- American Decorative Art 1900 Foundation
- American Textile History Museum
- Ameriprise Financial
- Mrs. Frederick L. Ames
- Barbara Jane Anderson
- Dale and Doug Anderson
- Henry C. and Martha B. Angell
- Estate of Priscilla C. Archibald
- Estate of Margaret L. Argue
- Ms. Bette Arnold and Robert Charles
- Katherine T. Balch
- Mrs. William H. Baltzell
- The Bank of New York Mellon
- J. P. and Mary B. Barger
- Lydia A. Barnard
- Elizabeth H. Bartol
- Joshua and Anita Bekenstein
- Joan and Steven Belkin
- Michael H. Berkowitz
- Nancy Berliner
- Morton Berman
- Kjestine and Peter Bijur
- Robert Charles Billings
- George Nixon Black
- The Bloom Family
- Dr. and Mrs. David L. Bloom
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
- Annette L. Born
- Eleanor Cabot Bradley
- Mr. and Mrs. Miguel de Bragança
- Stephen and Leigh Braude
- Mr. Brian J. Brille
- Martin and Marianne Brimmer
- Charles Bronfman
- Peter A. and Anne F. Brooke
- Clementine Brown
- Catherine E. Bullard
- Francis Bullard
- Francis H. and Lucy A. Burr
- Cabot Corporation
- Arthur Tracy Cabot
- Mrs. Charles C. Cabot
- Walter M. Cabot
- Richard B. Carter
- James B. Case
- Marcia K. Chamberlain
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chambers
- Chanel Inc.
- Charles River Laboratories Inc.
- Christie's
- Dr. Vincent Cioffari and Lorraine Vekens
- Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and Gustavo Cisneros
- Mr. and Mrs. John S. Clarkeson
- Coby Foundation
- Helen and Alice Colburn
- Helen Collamore
- Concord Art Association
- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Congleton
- Leon and Michaela Constantiner
- Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Estate of Hamilton Coolidge
- Mrs. John Gardner Coolidge
- Jane Corkin
- Eldzier Cortor
- Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Crate
- Charles A. Cummings
- Dassault Systèmes
- Anne Marie Davidson
- Theodore M. Davis
- Richard and Carol Daynard
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dayton
- Sylvanus Adams Denio
- Elsa Dorfman and Harvey Silverglate
- Lawrence and Jan Dorman
- Dows Dunham
- Alan J. and Suzanne W. Dworsky
- Barbara M. Eagle
- Grace M. Edwards
- Robert Jacob Edwards
- Dr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Eisenberg
- Barbara and Michael Eisenson
- Ellin Smalley Fund
- El Planeta Publishing
- Carole and Chris Ely
- Dorothea Royer Endicott
- Charlene Engelhard
- Esta and Robert Epstein
- Ernst & Young LLP
- James Evans and Virginia D. Ladd
- Karen and David Firestone
- Mrs. Walter Scott Fitz
- Lawrence and Patricia Fouraker
- Caroline A. Fox
- Thomas A. J. Frank
- Larry and Gail Freels
- Caroline Louise Weld French
- Estate of Jay Friedline
- Lee M. Friedman
- Sophie Friedman
- Alvan T. Fuller
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gable
- JoAnn and Julian Ganz Jr.
- Gail and Tony Ganz
- George Peabody Gardner
- Helen Osborne Gary
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Germann
- Drs. Philip and Marjorie Gerdine
- Kurt A. Gitter and Alice Yelen
- Carol R. and Avram J. Goldberg
- Dr. Ronald P. and Lena G. Goldberg
- Josephine Morton Gould
- Marylou and Herbert P. Gray
- Rebecca Andrews Greene
- Jill Greenthal and Thomas Eisenmann
- Donald Gummer
- George Gund Foundation
- Barbara and Andrew Gundlach
- Mrs. Isabella Halsted
- Roy Hammer and James Hinkle
- Deborah Hanson-Murphy
- Margaret L. Hargrove
- Ashley and Jamie Harmon
- Anne and Neil Harper
- Mrs. Serena Hatch
- Alice Appleton Hay
- Charles Henry Hayden
- Teresa Heinz and the Late Senator John Heinz
- Julie and Bayard Henry
- John W. Henry Family Foundation
- Joanne A. Herman
- Ms. Ariel Hamill Herrmann
- Mr. and Mrs. John J. Herrmann Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. William C. S. Hicks
- Arthur Hilsinger and Barbara Janson
- hl-art
- Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation
- Melville and Elizabeth Hodder
- Estate of Elizabeth B. Hough
- Mrs. David Hunt
- George Baxter Hyde
- Frederick L. Jack
- Marjory Jacobson
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jaffe
- Edward Jalbert and Keith Ravaioli
- Julia B. H. James
- Dr. Marion E. James
- Denise Jarvinen and Pierre Cremieux
- Estate of Howard A. Jewell
- George and Mimi Jigarjian
- Holly and Bruce Johnstone
- Carol M. Julien, Yvonne L. Julien, and Pamela Julien Comito
- Jonathan H. Kagan
- William Kaiser
- Kajima Foundation for the Arts
- Joy and Douglas Kant
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Kaplan
- Wendy Tarlow Kaplan and Martin Kaplan
- Mitchell Kapor
- Donna Karan Company
- Linda H. Kaufman
- Kathleen and Clarence Kemper
- Estate of Thelma M. Kenison
- Dr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Kennedy
- KeySpan Energy Delivery
- Kingsbury Road Charitable Foundation
- Seth A. and Beth S. Klarman
- Charles Potter Kling
- Susan G. Kohn
- Samuel H. Kress Foundation
- Marilyn and Selwyn Kudisch
- Dr. Jay Kuten and Susan Roon
- Nancy Norman Lassalle
- Elizabeth and William Leatherman
- Jonathan and Barbara Lee
- Mildred and Herbert Lee
- D. Gilbert Lehrman
- Blair Lent
- Louise O. and Robert F. Levin
- Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis
- Antonie Lilienfeld
- William Lindsey
- Jim and Lois Lober
- Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow
- Heirs of John Lowell
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Lyons
- George B. H. Macomber Company
- Manton Foundation
- Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation
- Nancy Lurie Marks
- Stephanie M. and Franklin J. Marryott Fund
- Mr. and Mrs. Laurence K. Marshall
- Dr. and Mrs. Benedict F. Massell
- Alice Louise Matthews
- Abby Rockefeller Mauze
- Dr. Robert and Jane B. Mayer
- John and Betty Bartlett McAndrew
- Elizabeth Day McCormick
- Medical Information Technology Inc.
- Katherine Metcalfe and Langdon B. Wheeler
- Millennium Hotels and Resorts
- Estate of William D. Miller
- Dexter T. Mills
- Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Moffat
- Laura and Bruce Monrad
- Carol and John Moriarty
- Phyllis Anina Moriarty
- Estate of Robert J. Morris
- Alexander Moseley
- Josephine Lee Murray
- New Balance Foundation
- New England Financial Services
- New England Telephone
- Heidi Nitze
- Lorna E. Oleck
- Nancy and William Osgood
- Robert Treat Paine II
- Harvey Drury Parker
- James Parker
- John Howard Payne
- Joseph Pellegrino
- Anne and Marty Peretz
- Catherine Page Perkins
- Richard Perkins
- Tim and Elaine Peterson
- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Pfannenstiehl
- Mr. and Mrs. George W. Phillips
- Dudley L. Pickman
- Henry Lillie Pierce
- Katherine Collamore Pierce
- Loïs Mailou Jones Pierre-Noel Trust
- Barbara J. and Eugene P. Polk
- Dana R. Pond
- Dr. Ellen Poss
- Liz and Bob Pozen
- Herbert James Pratt
- J. Parker Prindle
- Mrs. George Putnam
- James and Melinda Rabb
- Sidney R. and Esther V. Rabb
- Robert A. Radloff and Ann Macy Beha
- Renée Rapaporte
- RBC Capital Markers Corp.
- John S. Reidy
- Bob and Laura Reynolds
- Anna Mitchell Richards
- Kennedy P. and Susan M. Richardson
- William K. Richardson
- Chris Rifkin
- Mr. Lloyd M. Rives
- June N. and John C. Robinson
- David and Christine Root
- Edward and Bertha C. Rose Charitable Trust
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosse
- Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rowland Jr.
- Maureen and Joe Roxe/Roxe Foundation
- Gerald E. Roy
- Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Rudman
- Richard Saltonstall
- Nancy and Robert Saltonstall
- Sanofi Genzyme
- Santander
- Amelia Jackson Sargent
- William A. Sargent
- Saul Steinberg Foundation
- Eleanor A. Sayre
- Estate of Robert Schiesske
- Judith P. and S. Lawrence Schlager
- Schlumberger Limited
- Arthur and Linda Schwartz
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Schwarz
- Mrs. J. Montgomery Sears
- The Seminarians
- George C. Seybolt
- Jill and Niraj Shah
- Nancy and Ronald Shaich
- Quincy Adams Shaw
- Adam Livingston Sheffer
- Deborah and Ed Shein
- Medha Sinha and Bart Epker
- Gilda Slifka
- Haluk Soykan
- Heirs of Philip L. Spalding
- Andrew Spindler and Hiram Butler
- Alan and Terri Spoon
- Starr Foundation
- Susan and Ted Stebbins
- Ira and Jacquelynne Stepanian
- Burton and Barbara Stern
- Sybil F. and Stephen A. Stone
- Edward A. Studzinski and Anne G. Studzinski
- Sumitomo Foundation
- Swarovski North America Limited
- Toshiko Takaezu
- Mrs. Charles H. Taylor
- Mr. and Mrs. William O. Taylor
- Nathaniel Thayer
- Thompson Family Foundation
- Qiu Ting
- Arthur G. Tompkins
- Adrienne B. Torf
- Lois and Michael Torf
- Toshiba International Foundation
- Grace W. Treadwell
- Benjamin A. and Julia M. Trustman
- Charles Hitchcock Tyler
- United Company
- Elizabeth R. Vaughan
- Rosamond B. Vaule
- Kent and Nancy Van Zant
- Cornelius Adrian Comstock Vermeule
- Emily Dickinson Blake Vermeule
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Vernon
- Ann White Vose
- Frances Vrachos
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Vrettos
- Elizabeth Wakabayashi
- Cranmore Nesmith Wallace
- David and Jessie Wallace Trust
- Mr. W. Gardner Wallace
- Shaofang and Cheryl Wang
- William Francis Warden
- Howland S. Warren
- Susan Cornelia Warren
- William Wilkins Warren
- C. Granville Way
- WCRB Classical
- Elizabeth H. Weinberg
- David M. and Roberta R. Weinstein
- Estate of Phyllis P. Welch
- Hervey Edward Wetzel
- Carl A. Weyerhaeuser
- Sarah Wyman Whitman
- David W. Williams and Eric Ceputis
- Richard H. Willis
- J. David Wimberly
- Estate of Anne Winslow
- William and Evelyn Wolfson
- Sally and Robert Wyner
- Yellow Book USA
- Hy and Shirley Zaret
- Anonymous (12)
Named during 2022–23
- Clifford S. Ackley
- Meryl and Dennis Beckingham
- Converse Inc.
- John H. Deknatel and Carol M. Taylor
- Ellsworth Kelly Foundation
- Edward Greene
- Gitta and Saul Kurlat
- Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation
- Phyllis G. Redstone
- Paul S. and Allene Russell
- William E. Schrafft and Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Trust
- Anonymous (1)