Drinking cup (kylix)
Before conservation treatment: Discolored overpaint and old adhesive residues disfigure the vessel's appearance.
Before conservation treatment: Ultraviolet visible fluorescence. Restoration materials appear distinct from the ceramic.
During conservation treatment: Large plaster fills and old adhesive have been removed.
After conservation treatment: The kylix’s final appearance is the result of consultation between curator and conservator. Lacunae are toned but imagery is not filled in.
Wine cup (kylix)
Before conservation treatment: Much of the vessel had been restored, and restoration paints have faded.
Before conservation treatment: Under ultraviolet radiation. Restoration materials appear distinct from the ceramic.
After conservation treatment: The kylix’s final appearance is the result of consultation between curator and conservator. Only one large fill has been added, to the viewer's left of the figures, to make obvious the pot's original shape as that of a wine cup or kylix.
Oil flask (squat lekythos)
Before conservation treatment: The surface is disfigured by slip losses and burial accretions.
Before conservation treatment: Under ultraviolet radiation. A previous repair on the neck had become unstable. The adhesive used is visible as an orange-colored material.
After conservation treatment: Most of the burial accretions have been removed. The surface has been cleaned and stabilized. The old repair of the neck was taken apart and redone using reversible and stable materials.
Oil flask (lekythos)
Before conservation treatment: The old restorations were unstable, with adhesive between the shards failing.
Before conservation treatment: Under ultraviolet radiation. The adhesive line is visible between the shards, and aged shellac appears on the collar as a greenish material.
During conservation treatment: Old restorations were removed, and the shards were taken apart and cleaned.
After conservation treatment: The shards were reattached with a stable and reversible adhesive, and the joins and fills painted to match the surrounding original material.
Water jar (hydria)
Before conservation treatment: Old restorations were unstable, and the surface is affected by burial salts present in the clay.
During conservation treatment: The shards were separated and cleaned after bathing for desalination.
During conservation treatment: The jar is reconstructed, and gaps between shards are filled in.
After conservation treatment: The fills were inpainted to match the adjoining areas.
Oil flask (lekythos)
Before conservation treatment: The old restorations are unsightly and unstable.
Before conservation treatment: Under ultraviolet radiation. Join lines and fills appear in green.
During conservation treatment: A fragment of paper found inside the vessel where it was used as support for a large fill.
During conservation treatment: The object is reconstructed and gaps are filled in.
After conservation treatment: The fills and join lines were inpainted to match the adjacent areas.