MFA Fund

We need your help more than ever!

Everything we do is made possible by the generosity of donors like you. Your gift to the MFA Fund provides immediate support and helps make art and culture accessible to all by supporting the Museum’s programs and operations. Join our MFA community in celebrating the power of the arts by making your tax-deductible gift to the MFA Fund today!

To learn more about the MFA Fund, see MFA Fund Frequently Asked Questions, or e-mail

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at the MFA.

Give to the MFA

Matching Gifts

The following companies and many more may double or triple your support for the Museum by matching your MFA Fund gift.

Automatic Giving Program

Automatic Giving assures the Museum a steady flow of support, and allows the MFA Fund to save on postage, processing, and many other expenses involved in traditional fundraising.

Monthly, quarterly, or annual Automatic Giving is the easiest, most efficient way to bring art into the lives of others! With Automatic Giving you:

  • provide the MFA with a reliable stream of uninterrupted support
  • make your gift as cost-effective as possible
  • support the Museum on a schedule of your choice
  • enjoy the convenience of automatic renewal without reminders

To enroll in the MFA Fund Automatic Giving Program, provide the Museum with a credit card number and select the amount and frequency of your gifts:

  • Monthly gift ($10 minimum)
  • Quarterly gift ($25 minimum) in March, June, September, and December
  • Annual gift (no minimum)

Gifts are charged on or about the first of the month(s) indicated. Each January the Museum issues you a tax receipt for all MFA Fund donations made during the previous calendar year. You may change the amount or frequency of your gifts at any time by calling the Museum. You receive no additional MFA Fund mailings and remain enrolled in the Automatic Giving program until you request to be removed. MFA Fund gifts do not apply to membership renewal. Enroll today by calling 617-369-3785.

Frequently Asked Questions

The MFA Fund is the Museum's annual fund for general operating support. A gift to the MFA Fund supports vital programming at the heart of our mission and makes the Museum accessible to all our visitors. Anyone may contribute, and gifts of all sizes are accepted—and encouraged!

No. Donations to the MFA Fund are straightforward charitable contributions. No goods, services, or membership benefits are provided in exchange for MFA Fund gifts.

Yes. Donations to the MFA Fund are fully tax-deductible within the limits of the law.

The Museum has many members and sells hundreds of thousands of admission tickets each year. Does it really need MFA Fund contributions, too?

Yes! The costs of operating a world-class museum are enormous, and unlike other institutions of comparable size and scale, the MFA is one of few privately funded museums with nearly 100% of its donations coming from our community. Membership dues account for one quarter of the operating budget, but additional private donations play a critical role in keeping the Museum's doors open year after year.

MFA Fund donations support our annual operating budget. The entire Museum family—curators and cleaners, educators and electricians, exhibition designers and conservation specialists—use operating funds to carry out vital work. From supplying art materials for free children's programs to providing lighting and climate control in the galleries, support for the MFA Fund benefits all essential operations.

You may designate your MFA Fund gift to one of the Museum's top priorities: Exhibitions and Research, Education and Public Programs, or Conservation and Collections Care. Please call the MFA Fund office 617-369-3785 in order to make a designated gift.

Yes. There is a section on the form to note if your gift is in memory or in honor of a loved one. You will be prompted to enter the name of the honoree, a message and the name and address to whom we can send notification of your gift. The amount of your gift will not be mentioned in the notification.

The MFA's fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Thus, the calendar year's end (December 31) marks the half-way point in our fiscal year.

If your question is not addressed, please e-mail or call 617-369-3785 for further information.

Give to the MFA Fund


Make a secure online gift today using the form on the current page.

By Wire Transfer

Please contact the MFA Fund Office at for instructions.

By Mail

Send your gift to our postal address:

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
c/o Development Office
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Checks should be made out to Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.