The Museum would like to thank the following donors for their significant and sustained annual support in the form of multi-year commitments to the Patron Program and the Corporate Membership Program:
Honorary Trustee and Campaign Co-Chair Barbara Alfond and her husband Ted; Trustee and Chair of the Board of Overseers Jill Avery and her husband John; Bank of America; Trustee Bettina Burr and her husband Craig; Honorary Overseer Roberta Cohn and her late husband Lawrence; President of the Board of Trustees David Croll and his wife Victoria; Honorary Trustee John M. Deutch and his wife Pat; Honorary Trustee Bob Doran and his wife Happy; Sandra Edgerley and her husband Paul; Honorary Trustee Kathleen Feldstein and her husband Martin; Honorary Trustee Grace Fey and her husband Ted; Honorary Trustee Stephen Fine and his wife Ellen; Honorary Trustee Amos Hostetter and Overseer Barbara Hostetter; Honorary Trustee Woody Ives and his wife Elizabeth; Overseer Joy Kant and her husband Douglas; Trustee and Campaign Co-Chair Richard Lubin and his wife Nancy; Honorary Trustee Sandra Moose and her husband Eric Birch; Overseer Megan O’Block and her husband Robert; Honorary Trustee William Pounds and his wife Helen; Overseer Maureen Roxe and her husband Joe through The Roxe Foundation; Trustee Jeff Rudman and his wife Susan V. Fried; Chair of the Board of Trustees Lisbeth Tarlow and her husband Stephen B. Kay; and Honorary Overseer Stephen G. Woodsum and his wife Anne R. Lovett.