Learn more about the women—and the meaningful gifts—behind the Museum’s newest gallery and popular annual public lectures on art and architecture. Find out about many opportunities to leave an enduring legacy through giving to the MFA.
An Educator’s Legacy: Marion E. James and the Arts of Islamic Cultures Gallery
Planned Giving Staff
Our new Arts of Islamic Cultures Gallery is now open thanks to a special bequest. If you’ve been to the MFA recently, you may have found yourself in…
Keeping her Memory Alive: The Esther Steinberg Lecture Fund
Planned Giving Staff
The family—and spirit of intellectual curiosity—behind the Esther Steinberg Memorial Lectures Admirers of the exhibition “Mural: Jackson Pollock |…
Thinking of Someone Special?
Planned Giving Staff
Your gift in honor or in memory provides inspiration and learning for visitors of all ages. There are many ways to make a gift in honor or in memory…
A Gift That Never Goes Out of Style
Planned Giving Staff
Let us know how we can help you inspire the future. A bequest is a simple, meaningful gift anyone can make. It’s an easy way to fit together your…
Do your estate plans include the MFA?
Planned Giving Staff
Let us recognize you! The Sargent Society honors individuals who provide vital support for the future of the MFA—at any level—through a provision in…