Adult Online Classes
Watercolor Online (OW1-W)
Instructor: John Jameson
- Watercolor paper: smooth hot press and textured cold press pads
- #2 Graphite pencil
- Eraser
- Black pen
- Watercolor tubes or dry pans, colors: Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Yellow Ochre, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Burnt Umber, Black or Paynes Grey, Hookers Green, Chinese White
- One bottle of liquid watercolor, any color
- Gouache paint
- Painters tape, non stick
- 4 Brushes, assortment of flat #4-#6, bright #0-#3 and round #6-#8
- 2 Cups for water
- White ink
- Palette paper or ceramic/plastic plate
- Ruler
- Access to color printer
- Masking fluid
Sketchbook Explorations Online (OD1-W, OD1-S)
Instructor: Susannah Lawrence
- Sketchbook Drawing Pad 9" x 12" or larger
- Graphite Pencils: 2b, 6b
- Charcoal Pencils (compressed and vine charcoal optional)
- Colored Pencils and/or Oil Pastels (basic set)
- Kneaded Eraser and White Vinyl Eraser
- Chamois and Tortillon
- Pencil Sharpener
- Masking Tape
- Permanent Markers (optional)
Drawing Online (OD2-W, OD2-S)
Instructor: Robyn Thompson Duong
- Drawing clip board 11" x 14" or larger
- Drawing pad 9" x 12" or larger
- Graphite pencils HB, B, 2B, 4B (optional 6B and 8B)
- Kneaded eraser
- Plastic or gum eraser
- Ruler or straight edge
- Materials for a shadow box: medium size cardboard box, lamp, neutral color fabric such as a pillowcase
- Vine or willow charcoal
- Various still life objects
Acrylic Painting Online (OP1-W, OP1-S)
Instructor: Robyn Thompson Duong
- Blick acrylic paint, suggested colors: burnt sienna, burnt umber, white, cadmium red light, alizarin crimson, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow medium, cadmium lemon, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue
- Retarder medium (same brand as paint)
- Disposable palette paper pad
- Canvas board or stretched canvases: 9 x 12 inches, 5 total
- One large flat brush, 1 inch wide
- One medium filbert brush
- One small round brush
- 11 x 14 inch sketchbook
- Pencil
- Kneaded Eraser
- Sharpener
Mixed Media Sketchbook Online (OMM1-W, OMM1-S)
Instructor: Robyn Thompson Duong
- Mixed-media sketchbook
- Pencils B, 2B, 6B, 10B
- Kneaded eraser
- Plastic eraser
- Set of watercolors, gouache or acrylic paint
- Assorted paint brushes
- Foam brush
- Gesso
- Chalk pastel set assorted colors
- Permanent ink pens such as sharpie or micron
- White gel pen or paint marker
- Mod podge
- Tracing paper
- Blue painter’s tape
- Scrap paper or foam plate
- Brayer
- Stamps and ink pads
- Any stencils (bought or made)
- These are items you need to gather from around your home: scissors, magazines, old newspaper, old books (that you don’t mind cutting up), bubble wrap, aluminum foil, hair dryer, old credit card or gift card, baby wipes, some old photos or other images photocopied on a laser printer.
Drawing Online (OD3-W, OD3-S)
Instructor: Livia Mosanu
- Drawing clip board 11 x 14 inch or larger
- Graphite pencils 2B, HB, 4B
- Kneaded eraser
- Ruler
- Drawing pad 9 x 12 inch or larger
- Vine charcoal
- Charcoal pencils
- White chalk/charcoal
- Toned paper (Strathmore 400 Series Recycled Toned Sketch Pads recommended)
- Red chalk
- Dip pen with metal nib or
- Micron Pigma permanent ink pens or Micron Pigma brush pen
- Brushes or water brush pen
- Sennelier ink in bistre or walnut colors or waterproof Higgins Black India ink
- Watercolor paper
- Pan pastel in black, white and other colors and sponges
Design and Composition Online (OD4-W, OD4-S)
Instructor: Livia Mosanu
- Graphite pencils
- Kneaded eraser
- Tracing paper
- Ruler
- Drawing pad 9 x 12 inch or larger
- Sketchbook 5 x 7 inch
- Vine charcoal
- Charcoal pencils black and white
- Graph paper
- Compass for geometry
Couture, Canvas and Coffee Online (OD5-W, OD5-S)
Instructor: Jay Calderin
- Tracing paper
- Colored pencils (suggested: Prismacolor, or Blick)
- Alcohol-based markers (suggested: Prismacolor, Blick, Copic)
- Bristol board paper
Watercolor Online (OW1-S)
Instructor: Robyn Thompson Duong
- Watercolor paper: smooth hot press and textured cold press pads
- #2 Graphite pencil
- Eraser
- Black pen
- Watercolor tubes or dry pans, colors: Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Cerulean Blue,Burnt Umber, Black or Paynes Grey, Hookers Green, Chinese White
- One bottle of liquid watercolor, any color
- Gouache paint
- Painters tape, non stick
- 4 Brushes, assortment of flat #4-#6, bright #0-#3 and round #6-#8
- 2 Cups for water
- White ink
- Palette paper or ceramic/plastic plate
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Access to color printer
- Masking fluid
Drawing Classes and Workshops
Establishing a Sketchbook Practice (D1-S)
Instructor: Michelle Stevens
- Graphite pencils: 2B, 6B
- Kneaded eraser
- Mars plastic eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Winsor & Newton portable watercolor set
- Watercolor brushes: 1 mop, 1 round
- Faber Castell colored pencils
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Strathmore side-bound multimedia sketchbook, 11 x 8.5 inches or larger
- Side-bound regular drawing paper sketchbook
Intro to Drawing (D2-S)
Instructor: Katie Charpentier
- 9x12 or 11x14 inch drawing sketchbook
- HB, 2B, and 6B pencils
- Ebony drawing pencil
- White vinyl or plastic eraser
- Kneaded erasers
- Handheld double hole pencil sharpener
Portrait Drawing (Studio and Galleries) (D3-S)
Instructor: Livia Mosanu
- Drawing pad 9 x 12 inch or larger
- Charcoal pencils (black and white)
- Graphite pencils 2B, 4B
- Kneaded eraser
- Toned paper in grey or tan(Recommended: Strathmore 400 Series Recycled Toned Sketch Pads)
Pen and Ink (D4-S)
Instructor: Maureen Albano
- Drawing nib #102 and #512 with matching small and large pen holder
- 1 oz. Bottle of black fountain pen ink
- 1 oz. Bottle of white waterproof drawing ink
- Size 2 and 4 round watercolor brushes, natural sable or synthetic
- 9 x 12 inch 90 lb. or 140 lb. Pad of Hot-press watercolor paper
- Drawing pencil 2B
- White vinyl eraser
- 6 x 9 inch Pad of Inexpensive Paper
Observational Drawing Foundations (D5-S)
Instructor: Michelle Stevens
- 2B and 6B drawing pencil
- Kneaded eraser
- Mars plastic eraser
- Small box of vine or willow charcoal medium size
- 18 x 24 inch newsprint pad
- 18 x 24 inch drawing paper
Charcoal Drawing (D6-S)
Instructor: Marley Slade
- Drawing pad 11x14 or 18x24 inch
- 2B Pencil (or similar)
- Kneaded eraser
- Vinyl eraser
- Compressed charcoal - black, grey, white
- Charcoal pencil
- Vine charcoal
- Tortillon
- Optional: chamois, Faber-Castell Eraser Pencil, pencil sharpener
Drawing (Studio and Galleries) (D7-S)
Instructor: Maureen Albano
- 11x14 inch White drawing pad
- 12x16 inch Canson pastel gray tones pad
- Prismacolor ebony graphite pencil
- Charcoal pencils: One black and one white
- Conte pencils: One black and one white
- Kneaded eraser
- White vinyl eraser
- Portable hand sharpener with two size openings
Drawing (D8-S)
Instructor: TBD
- Coming soon....
Anatomical Drawing (D9-S)
Instructor: Patrick Brennan
- 100 page 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12 inch sketchbook
- 2B Pencil
- Eraser
Drawing (D10-S)
Instructor: Patrick Brennan
- 100 page 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12 inch sketchbook
- 2B Pencil
- Eraser
Life Drawing Basics (D11-S)
Instructor: Chris O'Neill
- Drawing media of your choice
- Drawing paper of your choice
- White vinyl erasers
- Kneaded erasers
- Pencil sharpener
- Optional: Drawing board
Drawing in the Galleries (D12-S)
Instructor: Beth Newman
- Set of wood Staedtler drawing pencils OR Staedtler mechanical technical pencil with a set of HB, 2B and 4B
- Strathmore 400 series medium course paper either 14 x 17 inch or 18 x 24 inch
- Drawing board large enough for the size of your drawing pad
- Tombow Mono Zero eraser
- Gum eraser
- Sanding block
- Thin knitting needle OR wooden skewer
- White artists tape
- Tsquare ruler OR 18” Westcott graphic ruler
Drawing Foundations (D13-S)
Instructor: Lio Olin
- 11 x 14 inch Sketch pad
- Set of graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B, etc.
- Faber Castell Perfection Eraser Pencil with Brush
- Charcoal pencils: one white and one black, 2b
- General’s charcoal pencil kit
- Colored pencils, white colored pencil
- Pencil sharpener with two size openings
- Kneaded eraser
- White vinyl eraser
- Tombow 57315 Mono Zero Eraser and refill pack, round 2.3 mm Precision Tip Pen Style
- Drawing board size 13 x 17 inches
- Tortillion or blending stump
- Optional: Ruler, Artist tape
Figure Studies from the Collection (Studio and Galleries) (D14-S)
Instructor: Maureen Albano
- 11x14 inch White drawing pad
- 12x16 inch Canson pastel gray tones pad
- Prismacolor ebony graphite pencil
- Charcoal pencils: One black and one white, 2B
- Conte pencils: One black and one white
- Kneaded eraser
- White vinyl eraser
- Portable pencil sharpener with two size openings
Figure Drawing from the Collection (Galleries) (D15-S, D17-S)
Instructor: Justin Life
- Drawing pad 11 x 14 inches
- Pencils 2H, HB, 4B, 6B
- Charcoal pencil set with soft, medium, hard, and white pencil
- Colored pencil set
- Plastic eraser or kneaded eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Blending stub or tortillon
Drawing in the Galleries (D16-S)
Instructor: Karl Stephan
- 11 x 14 inch Sketchbook
- 4B Graphite pencils
- Kneaded erasers
- Pencil sharpener
- Water-soluble colored pencils
Drawing in the Galleries (D18-S)
Instructor: Justin Life
- Drawing Pad 11x14 inches
- Pencils 2H, HB, 4B, 6B
- Charcoal pencil set with soft, medium, hard, and white pencil
- Colored pencil set
- Plastic eraser or kneaded eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Blending stub or tortillon
Drawing (Galleries) Two-Day Workshop (WK4-S)
Instructor: TBD
- Coming soon....
Portrait Drawing Two-Day Workshop (WK5-S)
Instructor: John Jameson
- 11 x 17 inch Drawing Pad
- Graphite Pencils: 2h, hb, 2b, 6b
- Prismacolor Ebony Graphite Pencil
- Kneaded Eraser
- White Vinyl Eraser
- Portable Pencil Sharpener with Two Size Openings
- Optional: Mechanical Graphite Pencil, Grey Paper, White Conte
Mixed Media Classes and Workshops
Imagined Landscapes (MM1-S)
Instructor: Lio Olin
- Acrylic paint set: assorted colors including Yellow, Blue, and Red
- Watercolor paint set
- Oil or chalk pastels
- Acrylic paint brushes: variety of sizes including two small and two large
- Two pre- stretched canvas paper or canvas board: 12 x 16- 16 x 20 inch
- One large canvas: 24 x 30 inch
- Water container
- Paper towels
- Disposable palette paper
- Plastic palette knife
- Artist tape
- 9 x 12 inch sketchpad
- Graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B
- Mod Podge
- White vinyl eraser
- Portable Pencil Sharpener with two size openings
- Collage materials: heavy magazines, newspaper, paper-products with interesting patterns, designs, or textures, fabrics, string, loose puzzle pieces, greeting and postcards, old film negatives
- Optional: drawing board, sketchpad size
The Expressive Potential of Color Intensive (MM2-S)
Instructor: Karl Stephan
- 11x14 Sketchbook
- 4B graphite pencil
- Kneadable eraser
- Sharpener
- Water-soluble colored pencil
- Students choice of watercolor, gouache and/or acrylic paints
- Brushes
- Watercolor paper
Mixed Media (MM3-S)
Instructor: Brooke Scibelli
- Watercolor paper pad: 12 sheets or more, paper weight 140lb or thicker, paper size 11 x 15 inches or larger. Will need for first class!
- Pad of lightweight Strathmore 300 Series printmaking paper, 8 x 10 inches
- (2) Linoleum blocks, 4” x 6”, soft cut
- Glue (liquid preferred)
- Masking tape or painter’s tape
- Scissors/ exacto knife
- Bone folder
- Optional: Papers, materials, and found objects for collaging
Painting Classes and Workshops
Drawing and Painting Inspired by the Collection Intensive (P1-S)
Instructor: Paula Pitman Brown
- Acrylic or oil paint: Titanium White, Cadmium Red Medium, Quinacridone Red, Cadmium Yellow light, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Chrome Green, Dioxanine Purple, Optional: Cadmium Orange, Quinacridone Violet, Cobalt Turquoise
- Disposable palette or plastic covered to save paint
- For oil paint: linseed oil
- For acrylic paint: spray bottle
- Brushes: #10 flat, #1 and #6 round
- Five 9 x 12 inch or 11 x 14 inch canvas boards, canvas paper or stretched canvas
- 11 x 14 inch drawing pad
- Ebony pencils
- Graphite pencils
- Eraser
- Covered pencil sharpener
- Set of 12 Prismacolor colored pencils
- 11 x 14 inch tracing paper pad
- Masking tape 1 inch
Oil Painting (P2-S)
Instructor: Livia Mosanu
- Graphite pencils HB and 2B
- Kneaded eraser
- Palette knife
- Refined linseed oil
- Palette cups with lids
- Canson Canva-Paper Pad primed for oil and acrylic paints, 9 x 12 inch or larger
- 2 Streched canvases 9 x 12 inch or slightly larger
- Oil paint, suggested brands/colors Utrecht, Winsor & Newton, Rembrandt: Raw Umber, Titanium White, Ivory Black, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red light, Alizarin Crimson, Dioxazine Purple, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Yellow light, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Viridian Green, Cadmium Orange, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Prussian Blue
- Disposable paper palettes
- Bristle brushes in a variety of flat, round, and filbert, long handle for oil painting sizes 4, 6, 8 and larger
- Soft synthetic brushes in a variety of round, flat and filbert sizes 2, 4, 6 and larger
- Shop towels
Painting a Series Intensive (P3-S)
Instructor: Nancy Hart
- 6 or more canvas, wood panels or oil paper of various sizes, 12 x 12 inch square, 11 x 14 inch and 18 x 20 inch
- Color reference photo of subject printed out on 8.5 x 11 inch paper
- Pencil #2
- Sketchbook or paper
- Palette paper or plate
- Acrylic paint: two blues, two reds, two yellows, one white and a selection of other colors such as Paynes grey
- Brushes multiple sizes: 1 and 2 inch flat, #3 and #6 round, two fine point
- Masking tape
- Metal palette knife
Painting from Life Intensive(P4-S)
Instructor: John Jameson
- Acrylics or oil paint: Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Vermillion or Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Ivory Black or Paynes Grey
- Optional colors for later in the session: Cadmium Green, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Pthalo Blue or Cerulean Blue, Viridian Green
- Linseed oil for oil paints or matte medium for acrylic paint
- Disposable palette paper or wooden palette
- Cotton rags or paper towels
- Brushes: mixture or synthetic and bristle, rounds and flats
- 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 inch surfaces: canvas board or stretched, bristol paper or canvas paper
- Sketchbook
- Graphite pencil
Chinese Brush Painting (P5-S)
Instructor: Sue Yang
- Oriental Art Supply: Happy Dot paint brush (one size) and Large Orchid Bamboo paint brush
- One package of Practicing Shuen paper size large P3BL 18 x 13.5 inches
- Chinese or Japanese Sumi ink
- Water container
- White palette or plate
Acrylic Painting (P6-S)
Instructor: Lio Olin
- Acrylic paints: Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson or Napthol crimson, Cadmium Orange or Red Orange, Cadmium Yellow Light or Medium, Yellow Ochre or Yellow Oxide, Green Deep or Light Green, Ultamarine Blue or Pthalo Blue, Purple Gray or Brilliant Purple, Titanium White, Unbleached Titanium, Mars Black, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Rose Pink
- Variety of acrylic paint brushes including two small and two large
- 12 x 16— 16 x 20 inch Pre-stretched canvas paper or canvas board
- Container for water
- Paper towels
- Plastic palette or disposable palette paper
- Plastic palette knife
- Artist tape
- 9 x 12 inch Sketch Pad
- Graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B
- Drawing board
Portrait Painting Intensive (P7-S)
Instructor: John Jameson
- Acrylic paint: Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Vermillion or Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Ivory Black or Paynes Grey
- Optional colors for later in the session: Cadmium Green, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Pthalo Blue or Cerulean Blue, Viridian Green
- Matte medium
- Disposable palette paper or wooden palette
- Paper towels
- Brushes: mixture or synthetic and bristle, rounds and flats
- 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 inch surfaces: canvas board or stretched, bristol paper or canvas paper
- Sketchbook
- Graphite pencil
Painting Intensive (P8-S)
Instructor: Paula Pitman Brown
- Acrylic or oil paint: Titanium White, Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow light., Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Chrome Green, Dioxanine Purple, Optional: Cadmium Orange, Quinacridone Violet, Cobalt Turquoise
- Disposable palette or plastic covered to save paint
- For oil paint: linseed oil
- For acrylic paint: spray bottle
- Paper towles
- Brushes: #10 flat, #1 and #6 round
- Two 9 x 12 inch canvas boards, canvas paper or stretched canvas
- 11 x 14 inch drawing pad
- Graphite pencils
- Eraser
- Covered pencil sharpener
- Colored pencils
- Masking tape
- 11 x 14 inch tracing paper
Abstract Painting (P9-S)
Instructor: Lio Olin
- Set of graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B, etc.
- White vinyl eraser
- Pencil sharpener with two size openings
- Acrylic paints: Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson or Napthol crimson, Cadmium Orange or Red Orange, Cadmium Yellow Light or Medium, Yellow Ochre or Yellow Oxide, Green Deep or Light Green, Ultamarine Blue or Pthalo Blue, Purple Gray or Brilliant Purple, Titanium White, Mars Black, Burnt Sienna
- Set of paint brushes
- Six 12 x 16 or 16 x 20 inch pre-stretched canvas or canvas boards
- One 24 x 20 inch stretched canvas
- Container for water
- Paper towels
- Disposable palette paper
- Plastic palette knife
- Artist tape
Still Life for Acrylic Painting (P10-S)
Instructor: Nancy Hart
- Watercolor pad, hot or cold press
- Four Canvas, wood panel, or oil paper any size - 8 x 8 inch, 12 x 12 inch, 9 x 12 inch
- Graphite pencils: #2 #7
- Eraser
- Palette knife, metal
- Acrylic paint, sugessted colors: medium yellow or cadmium, alizarin crimson and cadmium red light or red pure, cerulean blue and cobalt blue, hookers green, Ivory black or Paynes grey, burnt umber, and any white
- Brushes: 1 and 2 inch flat, #2 and #6 round, two fine point
- Disposable paper palette pad or ceramic plate
- Masking tape
- Printed photo references
- Objects to paint
Gouache Painting (P11-S)
Instructor: Jordan Carr
- Gouache paint tubes, recommended colors: Lemon Yellow, Light Yellow or Yellow Ochre, Primary Red or Alazarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Ultramarine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Primary Magenta or Quinacridone Magenta, Primary Cyan or Cerulean Blue, White, Black
- Paint brushes: Large, medium and small round brush and flat brushes in multiple sizes
- Paint palette or tray, ceramic
- Watercolor paper
- Artist tape or Washi tape
- 2B Graphite pencil
- Kneaded eraser
- Vinyl or rubber eraser
- Two cups for water
- Sponge, cloth rag, or paper towels
- Optional: Mini spray mister/atomizer bottle, Masking fluid, Watercolor sketchbook
Acrylic Painting (P12-S)
Instructor: Robyn Thompson-Duong
- Blick acrylic paint, suggested colors: burnt sienna, burnt umber, white, cadmium red light, alizarin crimson, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow medium, cadmium lemon, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue
- Retarder medium (same brand as paint)
- Disposable palette paper pad
- Canvas board or stretched canvases: 9 x 12 inches, 5 total
- One large flat brush, 1 inch wide
- One medium filbert brush
- One small round brush
- 11 x 14 inch sketchbook
- Pencil
- Kneaded eraser
- Sharpener
Acrylic Painting Intensive(P13-S)
Instructor: TBD
- Coming soon...
Landscape Painting Intensive (P14-S)
Instructor: John Jameson
- Acrylics or oil paint: Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Vermillion or Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Ivory Black or Paynes Grey
- Optional colors for later in the session: Cadmium Green, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Pthalo Blue or Cerulean Blue, Viridian Green
- Linseed oil for oil paints or matte medium for acrylic paint
- Disposable palette paper or wooden palette
- Cotton rags or paper towels
- Brushes: mixture or synthetic and bristle, rounds and flats
- 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 inch surfaces: canvas board or stretched, bristol paper or canvas paper
- Sketchbook
- Graphite pencil
The Potential of Abstract Drawing and Painting (P15-S)
Instructor: Ashley Pellitier
- Set of graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B, etc.
- White vinyl eraser
- Pencil sharpener with two size openings
- Acrylic paints: Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson or Napthol crimson, Cadmium Orange or Red Orange, Cadmium Yellow Light or Medium, Yellow Ochre or Yellow Oxide, Green Deep or Light Green, Ultamarine Blue or Pthalo Blue, Purple Gray or Brilliant Purple, Titanium White, Mars Black, Burnt Sienna
- Set of paint brushes
- Six 12 x 16 or 16 x 20 inch pre-stretched canvas or canvas boards
- One 24 x 20 inch stretched canvas
- Container for water
- Paper towels
- Disposable palette paper
- Plastic palette knife
- Artist tape
Oil Painting (P16-S)
Instructor: Nancy Hart
- Coming soon...
Color Theory for Painting (P17-S)
Instructor: Ashley Erin Dotson
- Acrylic paints to include the three primaries (red, yellow, and blue) secondaries (orange, purple, and green), titanium white, and ivory black
- Paint brushes: 2 medium width, 2 small width
- Mixed media paper 11 x 14 inches
- Disposable pallet paper, neutral grey
- Palette knife
- Optional: Viewfinder, one - two canvases or canvas panels 11 x 14 inch, additional paint colors if interested
Still Life Drawing and Painting Foundations (P18-S)
Instructor: Lio Olin
- 11 x 14 inch Sketch pad
- 12 x 16 inch Canson Pastel Gray Tones Pad
- Set of graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B, etc.
- Faber Castell Perfection Eraser Pencil with Brush
- Charcoal pencils: one white and one black, 2b
- General’s Charcoal Pencil Kit
- Colored pencils, white colored pencil
- Pencil sharpener with two size openings
- Kneaded eraser
- White vinyl eraser
- Tombow 57315 Mono Zero Eraser and refill pack, round 2.3 mm Precision Tip Pen Style
- Drawing board size 13 x 17 inches
- Tortillion or blending stump
- Optional: Ruler, Artist tape
- Acrylic paints: Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson or Napthol crimson, Cadmium Orange or Red Orange, Cadmium Yellow Light or Medium, Yellow Ochre or Yellow Oxide, Green Deep or Light Green, Ultamarine Blue or Pthalo Blue, Purple Gray or Brilliant Purple, Titanium White, Unbleached Titanium, Mars Black, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Rose Pink
- Variety of acrylic paint brushes including two small and two large
- 12 x 16— 16 x 20 inch Pre-stretched canvas paper or canvas board
- Container for water
- Paper towels
- Plastic palette or disposable palette paper
- Plastic palette knife
- Artist tape
- 9 x 12 inch Sketch Pad
- Graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B
- Drawing board
Landscape Painting Two-Day Workshop (WK1-S)
Instructor: John Jameson
- Acrylic paint: Titanium White, Cadmium Red Medium, Alizerin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Pthalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Chrome Green, Dioxanine Purple, Cadmium Orange, Quinacridone Red, Quinacridone Violet, Cobalt Turquoise
- Disposable palette paper
- Small spray bottle
- Paper towels
- Brushes: #4 and #10 flat, #1 and #6 round
- 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 inch surfaces: canvas board or stretched, bristol paper or canvas paper
- Drawing pad, 11 x 14 inch
- Graphite pencil and colored pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Tracing paper pad, 9 x 12 inch
Printmaking Classes and Workshops
Relief Printmaking Two-Day Workshop (WK3-S)
Instructor: Maxine Greij
- Three 4 x 6 inch speedy carve blocks
- Pad of 300 series Strathmore printmaking paper
- Optional: lino carving tool
Printmaking Intensive (PR1-S)
Instructor: Maxine Greij
- Six 4 x 6 inch speedy soft cut blocks
- Pad of 300 series Strathmore printmaking paper (min size 8 x 10 inches)
- Pad of 400 series Strathmore printmaking paper (min size 8 x 10 inches)
- Akua Printing Plate pack of three (either 5 x 7 inch or 6 x 8 inch)
- Optional: lino carving tool, Etching needle
Sculpture Classes
Sculpture (S1-S, S3-S)
Instructor: Patrick Brennan
- 24 oz. Polymer Clay: Sculpey III White Oven-Bake
- Ball Stylus Sculpting Tools (Various Sizes)
- 2 lbs Oil-based Non-drying Modeling Clay: Hard Plasteline
- 18 Gauge and 9 Gauge Aluminum Wire, at least 50 ft of each
- Aluminum Foil
- Combination Plier/ Wire Cutters
- Metal Ribbon Sculpting Loop Tool Set, Assortment
- Compass or Small Calipers (for Measurement)
- 8 oz. Mineral Oil (Polymer Clay Softener)
- 17 inch Flat Cookie Sheet (to Transport Sculpture)
Anatomical Sculpture Intensive(S2-S)
Instructor: Patrick Brennan
- 24 oz. Polymer Clay: Sculpey III White Oven-Bake
- Ball Stylus Sculpting Tools (Various Sizes)
- 2 lbs Oil-based Non-drying Modeling Clay: Hard Plasteline
- 18 Gauge and 9 Gauge Aluminum Wire, at least 50 ft of each
- Aluminum Foil
- Combination Plier/ Wire Cutters
- Metal Ribbon Sculpting Loop Tool Set, Assortment
- Compass or Small Calipers (for Measurement)
- 8 oz. Mineral Oil (Polymer Clay Softener)
- 17 inch Flat Cookie Sheet (to Transport Sculpture)
Watercolor Classes and Workshops
Watercolor (W1-S)
Instructor: Lio Olin
- Watercolor Set, including blue, yellow, red
- Watercolor paint brushes
- Cold press watercolor paper Blick Studio Fabriano 9 x 12 inches, 20 Sheets
- Cold press single sheet 22 x 30 inches
- Container for water
- Paper towels
- Artist tape
- Graphite pencils: 2B, HB, 4B, etc.
- White vinyl eraser
- Kneaded eraser
- Pencil sharpener with two size openings
- Ceramic palette for mixing colors
- Drawing board, sketchpad size
- Reference photos
- Optional: Sketchpad
Watercolor Basics (W2-S)
Instructor: Eli Portman
Required supplies:
- 10 ml Van Gogh or Winsor & Newton Watercolor Paint Tubes: Payne's Grey, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow Hue, Carmine Red, Burnt Sienna
- Watercolor Brushes: Princeton Angle Shader Short Handle 1/4 inch, Round Short Handle size 8 and 12, Blick Scholastic Camel Hair Brush-Oval Wash, Short Handle, Size 1 inch
- Plastic paint palette that folds up with flat space for mixing (not small round palettes)
- Watercolor paper cold press, 11 x 15 inch, Canson, Fabriano or Arches
- Paper towels
- Plastic cup or mason jar
- Ruler
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Masking tape
Optional supplies:
- Watercolor tubes- Azo Yellow Light or Yellow Ochre, Hooker Green Light and Raw Umber
- White plastic eraser
- Sharpener
Watercolor Intensive (W3-S)
Instructor: Maureen Albano
- 9 x 12 inch, 140 lb Pad of cold press watercolor paper
- Watercolor brushes: #2, #6, #12 round and 1 inch flat
- Set of 12 10 ml watercolor paint tubes: Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Sap Green, Hooker’s Green, Sepia, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Payne’s Gray, and Zinc White
- Ceramic or enamel plate or tray palette
Watercolor (W4-S)
Instructor: Eli Portman
Required supplies:
- 10 ml Van Gogh or Winsor & Newton Watercolor Paint Tubes: Payne's Grey, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow Hue, Carmine Red, Burnt Sienna
- Watercolor Brushes: Princeton Angle Shader Short Handle 1/4 inch, Round Short Handle size 8 and 12, Blick Scholastic Camel Hair Brush-Oval Wash, Short Handle, Size 1 inch
- Plastic paint palette that folds up with flat space for mixing (not small round palettes)
- Watercolor paper cold press, 11 x 15 inch, Canson, Fabriano or Arches
- Paper towels
- Plastic cup or mason jar
- Ruler
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Masking tape
Optional supplies:
- Watercolor tubes- Azo Yellow Light or Yellow Ochre, Hooker Green Light and Raw Umber
- White plastic eraser
- Sharpener
Watercolor (W5-S)
Instructor: Justin Life
- Watercolor sketchbook 9 x 12 or 11 x 14, 90 or 140 pounds or watercolor paper block
- Watercolor brushes (synthetic or blend): #6 or #8, #9, #12 or #14
- Artist grade wet watercolor in tubes, necessary colors: Cadmium Orange, Dioxazine Violet, Sap Green or Viridian Green, Black, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow or Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red medium, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna
- Optional artist grade wet watercolorin tubes: Naples Yellow or Cadmium Lemon Medium, Cobalt Blue or Cerulean Blue, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber
- 4H – 6H, you only need one
- Kneaded eraser
- Masking tape
- Plastic palette with side walls
- Note pad
- Optional: Eye dropper, plastic spray bottle
Watercolor and Ink Drawing (W6-S)
Instructor: Justin Life
- Drawing nib #102 and #512 with matching small and large pen holder
- 1 oz. Bottle of black fountain pen ink
- Size 2 and 4 round watercolor brushes, natural sable or synthetic
- 9 x 12 inch 90 lb. or 140 lb. Pad of Hot-press watercolor paper
- Ball point pen
- White vinyl eraser
- Artist grade wet watercolor in tubes, necessary colors: Cadmium Orange, Dioxazine Violet, Sap Green or Viridian Green, Black, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow or Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red medium, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna
- Optional artist grade wet watercolorin tubes: Naples Yellow or Cadmium Lemon Medium, Cobalt Blue or Cerulean Blue, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber
- 4H – 6H, you only need one
- Kneaded eraser
- Masking tape
- Plastic palette with side walls
- Note pad
- Optional: Eye dropper, plastic spray bottle
Watercolor (W7-S)
Instructor: Sepi Golestani
- Watercolor Paint Tubes: Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow Pale or Cadmium Lemon, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Permanent Rose or Opera, Payne’s Grey
- Watercolor Brushes: No.1 or 3
- Round Brush Synthetic Sable: No. 10 or 8
- Flat Brush Synthetic Sable 1 inch
- Watercolor Paper, Cold Press
- White Plastic Palette
- Roll of Paper Towels
- Graphite Pencil
- Kneaded Eraser
- Masking Tape