For African American culinary historian Michael W. Twitty, a giant hole existed in the story of American cooking—as big as the holes in the stories of most African American families. In his book The Cooking Gene (2017), Twitty put the microscope on himself and traced his family history through the story of Southern and American food. Join us to hear from Twitty about how he used genetic research, historic interpretation, nature study, heirloom gardening, and interviews with contemporary voices in food to find his family’s origins in West and Central Africa and a front-ring seat in the debate over race and food in American life.

Assistive listening system

Wheelchair accessible
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To order tickets by phone, call 1-800-440-6975 ($6 processing fee applies); to order in person, visit any MFA ticket desk.
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All bags are subject to inspection by Museum staff. Backpacks, large bags, all liquids including hand sanitizer and sunscreen, and outside food or drink are not permitted. Exceptions are made for medical or religious needs. All bags are strongly discouraged, and any bags larger than 11” x 15” must be checked in the Coat Room upon entry. Read our full bag check policy.