The Future Is Now: Spring 2014 Campaign Update

Campaign Update—Spring 2014

Welcome to the first of the MFA’s The Future Is Now Campaign updates!

On July 1, 2013, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, launched a new fundraising campaign—The Future Is Now—with the goal of raising $200 million over the course of three years. So far, most of our Campaign conversations have taken place with MFA Trustees. As we near the end of this first year, we are very pleased to share a progress report with the broader Museum family.


Total Campaign

$200 million goal

The Future Is Now has been moving toward its goal with extraordinary momentum and the impact of the Campaign is already being felt in many areas across the Museum. At $90 million raised through May 15, we are very pleased with our early results and grateful for this remarkable show of support.


The following provides a summary of our progress in each of the five priority areas of the Campaign:

Net Endowment

$130 million goal

Increasing the net impact of the endowment through a combination of budget-relieving and financially stabilizing gifts will ensure the strongest possible foundation for the MFA for the future, and secure the long-term stability of successful programs and critical staff positions. In order to maximize Campaign support in this category, an anonymous donor has presented a very generous challenge grant which increases qualifying gifts by 50%. Many donors have been motivated by this extraordinary opportunity and have responded with enthusiasm.



Gallery Renewal

$20 million goal

Our goal is to bring all of the Museum’s galleries and public spaces to the high standards set by recent gallery renovations, the Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art, and the Art of the Americas Wing.



School of the Museum of Fine Arts

$10 million goal

During the transformation of the SMFA into an independently accredited college, increased endowment, along with unrestricted and current-use gifts, will support financial aid, campus renovation, and other strategic initiatives, assuring the future success of students as creative leaders in a global community.



New Investments

$15 million goal

The MFA aims to make new investments in strategically important areas, focusing on the development of new programs and the use of technology to enhance the visitor experience.



Annual Support

$25 million goal

Annual support provided through the Patron Program, Museum Council, Corporate Partners, SMFA Medici, and other programs is critical to the operations of the Museum and the School, and included in the Campaign.


We are humbled and honored by our contributors’ dedication to this great institution, and hope that you share our excitement to build on the initial success of the Campaign as we propel the MFA toward new heights of achievement—today and for the future.

We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress and hope to see you at the Museum soon!

Barbara Alfond
Co-Chair, The Future Is Now

Richard Lubin
Co-Chair, The Future Is Now


For more information on The Future Is Now, please contact Maria Muller, Deputy Director, at or 617-369-3494.

Campaign Updates

Final Update
Winter 2016
Summer 2015
Winter 2015
Fall 2014